
Your high-quality print jobs will be easily handled in our in-house bookbindery. With fast preparation and production times handled by our
dynamic printing team working in shifts, we can react flexibly to guarantee the most economic process all the while keeping your personal
demands in mind. From start to finish you can count on our experience and competence with cutting, folding, collating, stapling, stitching
and even confectioning. For adhesive binding (including PUR, hotmail or dispersion), bookbinding utilizing thread sewing, hard cover, wire
and spiral binding as well as special punch works we cooperate with reliable partner who also follow the industry norm DIN EN ISO 9001:2000.
We also offer various kinds of finishing and laminating techniques.
- 2 cutting machines Polar 115 Monitor (8100 und 8200)
- Folding machine Stahl TF 78
- Folding machine MBO TS 72/64
- Folding machine MBO 72
- Combination folder Stahl KD 66 Topline
- Folding machine Stahl T 36/4-4F2
- Collater Brehmer ST 300/1
- Banding machine PALAMIDES BA 700